
Toi Te Ora Public Health works behind the scenes to advocate for a healthy and safe environment for our population. Part of this advocacy work is includes writing submissions, usually to local or central government, on policy.
Toi Te Ora makes a submission on a particular local issue or matter under consideration when it is in the interests of improving and protecting the health of the population. A submission will generally provide evidence, experience, opinions, changes wanted and why.
Below is a selection of submissions by Toi Te Ora.
Submissions to Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Submission to Resource Consent Application Number RM16-0434, Waste Management New Zealand Limited – Waste Oil Recovery Facility
Submission to Plan Change 13 – s293 - Proposed AREA2-P2 (AQ P12) – Iterative management of air quality within the Mount Maunganui Airshed, and Proposed Unsealed yards provisions AREA2-P3 [AQ P13]
Submission to Resource Consent Applications Bay of Plenty Regional Council (RM22-0649) and Tauranga City Council (RC29596)– Allied Asphalt Limited
Submission to Resource Consent Application RM20-0462 - Ziwi Pet Food Manufacturer
Objectionable and offensive odour from pet food manufacture