Food Security

Support for local government
Food is an essential part of our daily lives and is an integral part of our society. Having reliable access to nutritious, affordable and safe food is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our communities.
Councils have a role in managing food security for their communities and are ideally placed to facilitate a coordinated response in creating supportive environments for community health and wellbeing.
Seizing the opportunities and meeting the challenges to improve our food supply can create significant social, environmental and economic benefits.
Read on for information and tools to support policy development, policy advocacy, strategies and plans which influence food security.
Food security toolkit
A toolkit has been developed to guide local government through options for improving access to healthy food in their communities. The toolkit is not an exhaustive list of all opportunities, but it does identify a range of initiatives and policies that will have an impact on food security.
Local government involvement with efforts to improve food security will be essential. Community groups and other organisations will also find the toolkit useful, particularly as an advocacy tool.
Read the Growing Healthy Communities: Food Security Toolkit for Local Government
Sample policies and charters
For your convenience, sample policies within the Food Security Toolkit are available as word documents below:
- Sample Community Gardens Policy
- Sample Urban Edible Planting Policy
- Sample Food Security Policy
- Sample Food Charter
Food Sensitive Planning and Urban Design
Food Sensitive Planning and Urban Design - A report which provides a conceptual framework for achieving a sustainable and healthy food system, commissioned by the National Heart Foundation of Australia.
Community groups working to improve food security
Right across New Zealand (and across the globe) people are collaborating to promote healthy food access, create sustainable and fair food systems, supporting local food economies.
For your interest, a few examples are provided below, including links for more information and useful documents.
Restoring New Zealand’s Food System
- Restoring New Zealand's Food System is a Sustainable Business Network project
- The Sustainable Business Network is trying to help find solutions to the challenges in the food system, from production, manufacturing, distribution, access and eating through to waste.
Kai Rotorua
- Commencing in 2016, Kai Rotorua Incorporated Society is supported by Toi Te Ora Public Health, Healthy Families NZ (Rotorua) and Rotorua Lakes Council. Check out their website Kai Rotorua: Reconnecting us to Papatūānuku through kai. Or the Kai Rotorua Facebook page
Edible Canterbury
- Edible Canterbury aims to provide leadership, advocacy, guidance and support for communities to grow projects that increase food resilience in Greater Christchurch.
- Check out the Christchurch City Council 'Edible Christchurch' work.
Dunedin's Food Network
Our Food Network is based in Dunedin, and it's aim is to stimulate the production, distribution and consumption of local food and in that way contribute to the building of a resilient and prosperous community.