There are potential health risks associated with volcanic activity. Volcanic activity can include ashfall, falling rocks, hot gases, lava, and mud flows. The following information is useful to help prepare and protect you and your family and your whānau during and after a volcanic eruption.


Volcanic activity updates

  • Understanding the volcanic risk of your community is the first step to prepare for an emergency. Mt Ruapehu is one of our most active volcanoes. GeoNet monitors Ruapehu volcano and its crater lake. You can check out the latest Volcanic Activity Bulletins from GeoNet here
  • If you planning on visiting the Mt Ruapehu area, visit the Department of Conservation's website on volcanic risk in Tongariro National Park for updates.  


Preparing for volcanic activity 


Health and volcanic ash

Volcanic ash can cause respiratory, eye and skin irritation. People with chronic lung conditions are at higher risk. Common short-term symptoms include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat, sometimes accompanied by dry coughing
  • Airway irritation
  • Uncomfortable breathing, shortness of breath and wheezing
  • People with pre-existing chest complaints may experiencing a worsening of symptoms
  • Itchy, painful or bloodshot eyes
  • Irritation and reddening of the skin

For more information on the health hazards of volcanic ash, click here

The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) is an umbrella organization for all research and information on the health hazards and impacts of volcanic eruptions.  For more public information on all the health hazards of volcanoes click here 

Other useful links: