Smokefree Outdoor Policies

Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policies help contribute to achieving the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Goal by:

  • 'Denormalising' smoking by reducing visibility so children are less likely to think it's normal and take it up
  • Supporting people to quit smoking, and help protect ex-smokers from relapsing, by reducing visual cues to smoke
  • Reducing exposure to second hand smoke


What Councils can do

Councils can create educational smokefree outdoor spaces policies, which means they don't require enforcing. They work through the use of smokefree signage and promotional media.

Smokefree outdoor spaces could include a variety of areas where people congregate or children and families go. A survey of residents in the Bay of Plenty and Lakes area conducted by Toi Te Ora Public Health found the community supported smokefree outdoor spaces, including:

  • Children's playgrounds (95%)
  • Outside schools, pre-schools, kindergartens and early childhood centres (91%)
  • Stadiums and sports grounds (80%)
  • At public events (75%)
  • Bus stops (72%)
  • Outdoor dining areas (64%)
  • Parks and reserves (57%)
  • Main street or city centres (49%)

Other areas that could be made smokefree include beaches and waterfront areas, and sporting or cultural facilities, grounds, and fields.




How we can help

Toi Te Ora Public Health supports councils to implement smokefree outdoor spaces policies. People in the community can also encourage council to introduce smokefree outdoor spaces.