Land, air and water are the basic elements of the environment necessary to support human life.

These elements must be sustainably managed to enable people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural well-being and for their health and safety.

Our Health Improvement Advisors and Health Protection Officers make submissions on relevant plans and policies and, where appropriate, resource consent applications to ensure that public health aspects are considered and decisions do not impact negatively on public health.

Toi Te Ora Public Health works behind the scenes to advocate for a healthy and safe environment for our population. 

A number of key issues that can have an impact on people's health are outlined in Bay of Plenty and Lakes District Health Board, now Lakes Te Whatu Ora and Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty, position statements.  Key factors such as;

  • Active Transport including physical activity
  • Built Environments
  • Housing and Health
  • Sanitary Services
  • Waste Management and Minimisation
  • Hazardous Substances


Further information for councils is available here


Additional Information


Environmental Health


Resource Management


Event guidance