Vaccinator Authorisation Process

Authorisation as an Independent Approved Vaccinator

Note: Toi Te Ora Public Health can only authorise nurses working within Bay of Plenty and Lakes districts.

The authorisation of vaccinators to give immunisations from the New Zealand Ministry of Health Immunisation Schedule is covered by the 1984, clause 44A (2), Medicines Regulations act, (see section A4.1.1 of the Immunisation Handbook for further details).

This authorisation enables approved vaccinators to give vaccines from the New Zealand Ministry of Health schedule without direct supervision from a medical practitioners.

It is the responsibility of the person wishing to become a vaccinator or maintain their vaccination certificate to ensure they have adhered to the New Zealand Ministry of Health authorisation process.

Each public health unit around the country has Medical Officers of Health who will oversee this national process for their area and will be guided by the act as outlined in the New Zealand Immunisation Handbook 2020.

Information on the process for Pharmacist vaccinators found in the Immunisation Handbook, Appendix 4. Pharmacists are not required to apply to a Medical Officer of Health for authorised vaccinator status.

Toi Te Ora Public Health, which covers the Bay of Plenty and the Lakes area, uses the following steps to implement this process.

This process covers:

  • authorising of vaccinators*
  • reauthorising of vaccinators*
  • local authorising of NZ vaccinators from outside the region*
  • reauthorising of vaccinators whose vaccinators certificate has expired for more than one month*
  • authorising local immunisation programmes

*Including BCG vaccinator and Mantoux Skin Tester endorsement. For more information about these endorsements please contact us.

It also covers the roles of:

  • Nurse
  • Administration Support Officer
  • Medical Officer of Health
  • Local Immunisation Facilitator - Cold Chain Accreditation and details

Authorising of vaccinator assessor

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The process to seek Medical Officer of Health approval to clinically assess applicants for authorisation of vaccinators in the Lakes and Bay of Plenty Districts requires applicants to complete the authorised vaccinator assessor application form and send in the following evidence:

  • Letter requesting assessor approval outlining your history as an authorised vaccinator (e.g. number of years, type of work settings and vaccinations given) and current role including what settings you will be completing clinical assessments.
  • A copy of your current Toi Te Ora Vaccinator Authorisation.
  • Evidence of completing assessor training including contact details of the person who has provided supervision throughout the process.

Applications should be completed electronically and submitted by email to

The Medical Officer of Health will review the evidence. If all evidence is present and correct a letter of approval for two years practice will be issued. If any evidence is missing you will be advised and asked to provide this.

NB: Your letter of approval can not be issued until all the correct information has been received.

Authorising of vaccinators

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The process within Toi Te Ora Public Health for authorising an initial certified vaccinator

The nurse will complete the vaccinators authorisation application form and send the following evidence:

  • Proof of Current Annual Practicing Certificate (must include NCNZ number and expiry date)
  • Proof of dated Indemnity Insurance Cover Letter (this can be requested by ringing the NZNO on 0800 283848)
  • Certificate of successful completion of IMAC Vaccinator Foundation Course (within the last 24 months). To find out about these courses visit:
  • Clinical assessment by an Immunisation Facilitator or approved assessor. (If it has been more than 12 months but less than 24 months since the applicant completed a full Vaccinator Foundation Course (VFC) they should complete an online update prior to the clinical assessment)
  • Current CPR certificate - Core Immediate - airway and oxygen management

Applications should be completed electronically and submitted by email to

The Medical Officer of Health will review the evidence. If all evidence is present and correct a certificate for two years practice will be issued.  If any evidence is missing you will be advised and asked to provide this.

NB: Your certificate can not be issued until all the correct information has been received.

Reauthorising of vaccinators

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The process within Toi Te Ora Public Health for reauthorising an approved vaccinator

Six weeks prior to vaccination certificate expiring please complete the vaccinators reauthorisation application form and send the following evidence:

  • Proof of current annual practicing certificate (including NCNZ number and expiry date)

  • Proof of dated indemnity insurance – this must be a currently dated letter from your provider confirming your membership/insurance i.e. NZNO. 

  • Evidence of peer review process within last 3 months

  • Attendance certificate from your most recent vaccinator update course (must be within the last 2 years.)

  • Current CPR certificate - Core Immediate - airway and oxygen management

  • Summary of vaccinator practice within the previous 12 months

Applications should be completed electronically and submitted by email to

The Medical Officer of Health will review the evidence. If all evidence is present and correct a certificate for two years practice will be issued. If any evidence is missing you will be advised and asked to provide this.

NB: Your certificate can not be issued until all the correct information has been received.

Local authorising of vaccinators from outside the region

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Currently in place is provision for fully authorised vaccinators to be covered to work nationally until 1 June 2025. However, if a fully authorised vaccinator wishes to practise outside of the health district and/or public health area they were initially authorised for, they must advise the local Medical Officer of Health for the new area, and send through a copy of their current authorisation.

Vaccinators with a current authorisation completed outside the Toi Te Ora districts (Bay of Plenty and Lakes), who are wishing to practice in the Toi Te Ora districts should send a copy of their authorisation to the local Medical Officer of Health at:

Reauthorising of vaccinators whose vaccinators certificate has expired for more than one month

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The process within Toi Te Ora Public Health for reauthorising a certified vaccinator whose vaccinator’s certificate has expired for more than one month (and less than 5 years)

This will need to be assessed on a case by case basis, view section A4.1.6 of the Immunisation Handbook for more details.

To enable this process the nurse will complete the application form vaccinator expired and send the following evidence:

  • Proof of current annual practicing certificate (must include NZNC number and expiry date)
  • Indemnity insurance – this must be a currently dated letter from your provider confirming your membership/insurance i.e. NZNO.
  • Certificate of successful completion of Vaccinator Training Course (within the last 5 years, provided by IMAC) OR your current vaccinator certificate
  • Attendance certificate from your most recent Vaccinator Update course (must be within the last 2 years)
  • Copy of the expired Vaccinator Authorisation Certificate
  • Full clinical assessment by an immunisation coordinator
  • Current CPR certificate - Core Immediate- airway and oxygen management
  • Summary of immunisation practice over last 12 months

NB: If the authorisation expired more than 5 years prior, please email us for the correct form. The vaccinator will need to complete the full Vaccinator Training Course again and reapply using the initial vaccinator application form.

Applications should be completed electronically and submitted by email to

The Medical Officer of Health will review the evidence. If all evidence is present and correct a certificate for two years practice will be issued. If any evidence is missing you will be advised and asked to provide this.

NB: Your certificate can not be issued until all the correct information has been received.

Authorising local immunisation programmes

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Authorised vaccinators delivering an immunisation service

Authorised vaccinators need to supply details of their practice as specified in Appendix 4 in the Immunisation Handbook. These details which will be considered if they decide to seek medical officer of health approval for a local immunisation programme.

Please complete the local immunisation programme application form for approval by Medical Officer of Health and send the required documents to Toi Te Ora Public Health as below.

For cold chain accreditation certification information: See Immunisation Handbook and local co-ordinators, or phone 0800 465 863.

Authorised Vaccinators may administer vaccines as part of approved programmes without prescription or standing order

Approved programmes in the Bay of Plenty and Lakes Districts include:

  1. The National Immunisation Schedule and vaccinations nationally recommended and funded for special groups. (As an approved programme,  these vaccinations may be given by Authorised Vaccinators without prescription, standing order or Local Immunisation Programme.) Details of the vaccines and the recommended indications are published in the current Immunisation Handbook.
  2. Local programmes specifically approved by any of the Medical Officers of Health for the area covered by Lakes and Bay of Plenty Districts. See application form above.
  3. Please note Local Immunisation Programme approval is not a requirement for the 2025 influenza immunisation programmes as the Director General of Health, Dr Sarfati has signed off funded and unfunded influenza as an approved National Immunisation Programme for 2024 from 2 April until Medsafe approved influenza vaccine stock is exhausted or expired, whichever occurs first.

Applications should be completed digitally and submitted by email to

The Medical Officer of Health will review the evidence. If all evidence is present and correct a certificate for two years practice will be issued. If any evidence is missing you will be advised and asked to provide this.

NB: Your certificate can not be issued until all the correct information has been received.


Approved Local Programmes List - approvals as at April 2024 in the Bay of Plenty and Lakes Districts

  • Bay Occupational Health Consultancy Ltd, Mt Maunganui
  • Children's Hub Immunisation Team, Children's Hub - Te Aka Mauri, Health New Zealand - Lakes, Rotorua
  • Cicada Health Ltd, Tauranga
  • Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance, Whakatāne
  • Go4Health Kaitiaki Nursing Service, Tauranga
  • Grace Hospital, Tauranga
  • Habit Health, Tauranga
  • Health New Zealand - Bay of Plenty, Outreach Immunisation Service, Tauranga
  • Health Reporoa Inc, Reporoa
  • Health Tick, Mount Maunganui
  • Medpro Healthcare NZ Ltd, Whangaparaoa, Auckland
  • Ngāti Ranginui Iwi Society Incorporated
  • Otumoetai Doctors Ltd, Tauranga
  • Proactive for Health, Edgecumbe
  • Ranolf Medical Centre, Rotorua
  • Taupō Health Centre, Taupō
  • Te Runanga O Ngati Pikiao Trust, Rotorua
  • The Doctors – Kopeopeo, Whakatāne
  • The Doctors – Phoenix, Whakatāne
  • Total Health Doctors, Whakatāne
  • Waikato Occupational Health Consultancy Ltd, Hamilton
  • Western Heights Medical Centre, Rotorua
  • Westend Medical (Willcare Health), Rotorua
  • Workplace Health New Zealand, Tauranga


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Administration Role

  • The Administrator Support Officer will maintain a vaccination database of all current and expired authorised vaccinators.
  • The Administrator will work under the direction of the Medical Officers of Health regarding the issuing of certifications, re certifications and requests for further information.
  • The certificate will be issued 10 working days after receipt of correct documentation.

Local Immunisation Facilitator

  • Will carry out the initial practical clinical assessment
  • Available for clinical vaccinator peer review
  • Follow up on vaccinators whose certification has expired
  • Can provide information on vaccinator training courses or vaccinator updates
  • Cold chain accreditation details

Nurse/Authorised Vaccinator Role

  • To provide the required evidence
  • To ensure the evidence is provided to Toi Te Ora Public Health prior to the expiration of the vaccinator’s certification.
  • To ensure that Toi Te Ora Public Health is informed of change of email address, workplace, and or extended leave/retirement

Medical Officer of Health Role

  • Assess if the documentation received meets the requirements for the authorisation or reauthorisation request
  • Advise the Admin support person to send a request to the applicant for further information OR
  • Advise the Admin support person to issue the certification to the applicant