Advice for Travellers

Safe Travel is the official source of advice for New Zealanders traveling or living overseas. Safe Travel includes advice on health aspects when you are traveling overseas. Visit the Health and Travel page for more information.

Many diseases that are uncommon in New Zealand are still common in other countries. Toi Te Ora Public Health strongly recommends that all New Zealanders traveling overseas are up to date with their standard New Zealand immunisations. See which vaccines are free for adult New Zealanders

Talk to your doctor before you travel. They will be able to tell you about health problems that are relevant to your destination, and make recommendations that can keep you safe e.g. vaccinations, current health issues.

Exotic mosquitoes

Exotic mosquitoes are species of mosquitoes that live overseas and do not live in New Zealand. Many exotic mosquito species are of risk to public health, as they can infect people with serious diseases like dengue fever and malaria. Find out how to avoid being bitten while travelling.

Talk to your doctor before you travel, especially to a tropical country. They will be able to tell you about health problems that are relevant to your destination, and make recommendations that can keep you safe e.g., vaccinations, medications.


Local Yellow Fever Vaccinators / Practices

If Yellow Fever vaccination is required this may be arranged through one of these local Yellow Fever vaccination centres.


Food and Drink

Most New Zealanders are fortunate enough to have a supply of safe food and drinking water.  In some parts of the world food and water may not be as safe to consume. 

Foods to avoid:
  • Raw fruit and vegetables
  • Fruit and vegetables washed in and prepared with unclean water. Including salads, smoothies, juices, etc.
  • Unpasteurized dairy products
  • Undercooked meat
  • Large warm water reef fish
Safer options:
  • Food that is cooked and served hot
  • Fruit and vegetables that you can peel
  • Pasteurized dairy products
  • Avoid eating tropical reef fish. Particularly, avoid eating the head, roe, liver, or other organs of warm water ocean fish

Drinks to avoid:

  • Untreated tap water
  • Water from lakes, rivers, open wells
  • Ice made from any of the above water, including slushies, ice blocks, ice in drinks
  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Note the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s warning about alcoholic drinks in South-east Asia.
Safer options:
  • Water that has been at a rolling boil for 1 minute or treated
  • Bottles or cans of drinks with unbroken seals
  • Hot tea and coffee
  • Pasteurised milk

















Washing and brushing teeth

Remember that the water you use to bathe, shower and brush your teeth with may be contaminated.  Avoid swallowing any water while in the bath or shower.  Only use water from a safe source when brushing your teeth.



For more information