Liquid and solid wastes may contain hazardous and infectious materials. If collection, treatment and disposal systems are not operated satisfactorily they can pose a threat to public health.

Our Health Protection Officers work with regional and local councils on planning and resource consent processes, surveillance, monitoring and compliance of significant public risks in waste management and general information gathering.

Contact your local authority to find out how to dispose of different types of waste safely.

Contact us if you have a complaint about improperly disposed of waste.

Dealing with solid waste including recycling

The primary sources of solid waste are domestic, commercial and industrial waste from processes and packaging, demolition material and organic materials.

Rubbish collection and disposal is primarily the responsibility of district and regional councils under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Resource Management Act 1991.

Learn more about rubbish and recycling from your local council:


Waste water

Learn more about waste water from your local council: