Go 5210 Everyday
Five or more vegetables and fruit
Less than two hours screen time
Be active for one hour or more
Zero sugary drinks - choose water or plain milk
5210 - Te Ara Hauora Tika / The Healthy Way to Go encourages children and their families and whānau to make healthy choices every day that everyone benefits from. This includes eating vegetables and fruit, limiting screen time, being active, and drinking water or milk instead of sugary drinks.
Five or more vegetables and fruit
Less than two hours screen time
Be active for one hour or more
Zero sugary drinks - choose water or plain milk
The 5210 messages are evidence-based, originating from the Childhood Obesity: Assessment, Prevention and Treatment Expert Committee, and endorsed by the Canadian Pediatric Society. The recommendations adapted align with New Zealand Ministry of Health recommendations for food, activity, screen time and sleep.
The 5210 tools (Healthy Habits Questionnaire, Goal Trackers for tamariki and rangatahi, Assessment and Management Flowchart) and the graphics used in the colouring in sheet and kids cartoon poster, are adapted for use in the Bay of Plenty and Lakes District Health Board areas from Live 5-2-1-0 with permission from SCOPE (Sustainable Childhood Obesity Prevention through Community Engagement), British Columbia, Canada.
The 5210 logo and four key messages are adopted from Let’s Go!, Maine, USA.
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